Full hockey gear is required with the exception of a mouth guard.
-Helmet (labelled with last name on it; as simple as a piece of tape and a sharpie works!)
-Neck Guard
-Shoulder Pads
-Elbow Pads
-Hockey Gloves
-Athletic Cup
-Hockey Pants
-Shin Pads
-Hockey Bag
-Water bottle - it is recommended to purchase a water bottle with an extended spout so your child can hydrate through their helmet. Helmets cannot be removed on the ice.
It is a good idea to label all of their gear
*Hockey jerseys will be provided at the beginning of the season and NEED TO BE RETURNED TO YOUR MANAGER at the end of the season.
U9 is for children who will be 7-8 yrs old by Dec 31 of the current hockey season.
The season typically starts mid-September and ends mid-March.
Two 60 min practice ice times per week. Days and times will be decided prior to the beginning of each season when number of kids and number of teams is determined. Generally weekdays after school hours.
Approximately 8-15 exhibition games will be played throughout the season -primarily in Fernie, Sparwood, Elkford and the Crowsnest Pass. Games are usually on weekends or occasionally during practice times.
There are optional opportunities to play tournaments across the East Kootenay or in Southern Alberta. The cost of tournaments varies and is separate/additional from the initial registration fees.
Fernie Minor Hockey is a volunteer-run organization. Fernie will host a home tournament for the U9 division. Parents are expected to volunteer for fundraising, concession, raffle table, 50/50 and score keeping.
If you are interested in volunteering as a team coach, manager or safety person, please fill out a volunteer application by August 1st. https://www.fernieminorhockey.net/volunteer-application/
Coaches and managers will use TeamSnap to communicate to parents and players. Downloading this free app is recommended.
Click here to view the EKMHA U9 Game Play and Rules. Also refer to BC Hockey and Hockey Canada for U9 Development Pathway information.